FURIO 7 Cargo - Specifications

GVW 6950 kg
Engine mDI Tech, 4 Cylinder, 2.5 L BS 6
Max. Power 60.5 kW @ 3200 rpm
Max. Torque 220 Nm @ 1250-2200 rpm
Transmission 5 Speed Gearbox
Tyres 4 tyre, 8.25 x 16
Fuel Tank Capacity (litre) 60 litre
Cabin (Tiltable) 1.85 m
Variant CBC, HSD
Wheelbase 2750 mm, 3320 mm
Internal Load Body Size DSD : 3200 x 2005 x 1380 mm
HSD : 4267 x 2005 x 1380 mm
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